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Frequently Asked Questions

1 - What do you use?

   I tend to use a variety of oven-bake polymer clays, but I tend to prefer Premo for it's range of colors and ease of use.  I've used a lot of air dry clay, but I'm too impatient, I like the instant gratification of polyclay.  I also use a variety of beads and all manner of wire and extra bits and bobs I've found along the way.

2 - How long does it take you?

   Depending on the piece and detail, a single sculpture can take any where from 30 minutes to 10 hours, NOT including bake times.  My average for an adult dragons is around 3 hours.


3 - Can you teach me?

   I would LOVE to!  If you are local, I am willing to set up lessons to give basic polyclay lessons.  I have not decided on prices, but I am working on making them affordable.

4 - How do I commission you?

   Contacting me through e-mail, using the store, Etsy, and Facebook!  Even if you know me in person, just ask!  I am currently working on streamlining pricing, but if you have an idea, just ask!  I've tried to make communication and payment as easy as possible through Paypal, Square, and cash (if you are local.)  I also ask for at least a month to finish all basic dragons, I may charge extra for expedited sculptures.


5 - What is your return policy?

   All sales are final.  As half of any commission payment is due up front and nonrefundable, customs are nonrefundable as well.    If any piece that you buy breaks or chips, contact me and I can see what can be done to fix it.   Pleas let me know if there are any questions or concerns.

6 - What if I can't pay the rest of the fee?

   If a commissioner defaults on any payment after the commission is finished, I reserve the right to keep the final product and resell it, along with any up front payments. If there is a problem with payments, PLEASE contact me, I am actually a very easy-going person and am willing to work with you.

Do you have any more questions?  Contact me!

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